Some of the courses I provide maths tuition for are listed below:
SQA Maths Tuition
National 4
National 5
Advanced Higher
AS/A-Level Maths Tuition (OCR, EDEXCEL, AQA)
New Maths A-Levels
Core 1, 2, 3 & 4
Statistics S1, Statistics S2
Mechanics M1, Mechanics M2
Decision D1, Decision D2
Further Pure 1, 2, 3 & 4
Cambridge Pre-U Mathematics & Further Mathematics
Cambridge NSAA
GCSE Level Tuition (OCR, EDEXCEL, AQA)
New 9-1 GCSE Maths
Foundation, Higher and Further Maths
GCSE Equivalency Testing
Further/University Level Tuition
QTS Numeracy Test
Numerical Reasoning Aptitude Tests
IBM SPSS Statistics
Financial Mathematics
QM1: Quantitative Methods 1
HNC/HND Engineering Mathematics
EASC10006 Physics and Chemistry for Earth Scientists
Mathematics Open Unit 1A20
MATH11007 Calculus 1
MATH11009 Mechanics 1
Introductory Foundations of Mathematics MATH10002
Further Foundations of Mathematics MATH10007